Easter Weekend (21/04/2000 - 24/04/2000)

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'An ungodly hour!' Mad + Jase 'What an attractive lot!'

Gorgeous Wreck Bay (and Greg!) Our dinner! 'Eat your heart out Rex Hunt!'

Mad's usual position... 3 grinning idiots..and a dog! Fisherman, hard at work!

'This one nearly got away!' Just 1 grinning idiot! Our captain

Leroy + Lucy Annie + Adrian After a long, hard day fishing!

Geoff, Lisa + Mad Almost on our way! First stop - Durras

'My favourite flavour is apple!' Bateman's Bay Mad + Jase

Jase.. 'I really don't know what I'm doing!' 'Anyone seen The Blair Witch Project?!'

Our first night - West of Tilba Annie + Adrian Making himself at home, as usual!

Survived our first night! Would you trust milk from this man?! Leroy, in the backseat of the car

Mad, Leroy + Greg - Tathra The pinup girls! Boys playing at being men!

Harder!  Faster Mad! Greg pumping our mattress! First prize winner at the next Easter Show?!

Misty, COLD morning The Boy!

Oh look! Mad's sleeping..again! All that wood chopping!!
